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Drunk Driving Charges Follow Traffic Stop for Speeding


One person has been arrested and is facing multiple charges after being accused of operating a vehicle while impaired during a recent traffic stop in Wisconsin. Those who stand accused of drunk driving under similar circumstances could choose to prepare for what comes next by focusing on forming a strong defense. However, since the process can be stressful and intimidating, those facing similar charges might need guidance in understanding all their available options.

According to reports, the incident began on a recent Tuesday after authorities say they encountered a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on a local interstate. While attempting to catch up to the vehicle, they claim to have witnessed the driver nearly collide with another car. A traffic stop was initiated shortly thereafter, and during the stop, police say the driver appeared to be exhibiting numerous signs of impairment.

Authorities assert that a breath test was administered shortly thereafter and say the results of this test indicated her blood alcohol content to be well above the legal limit. She was taken to a medical facility for a blood draw before being taken into custody. According to reports, she is now facing multiple charges, including drunk driving, reckless endangering of safety and operating without insurance.

Being accused of drunk driving can be an intimidating experience and the situation may only increase in severity with the presence of additional charges. Those who face a similar circumstance could find it helpful to retain the services of an experienced attorney early on for guidance in forming a strategy for what comes next. An attorney in Wisconsin can examine the charges and evidence against a client and assist him or her in pursuing the most favorable outcome achievable during subsequent court proceedings.
