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Various Factors That Could Influence the Results of a Breath Test


Being accused of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol can be a scary and stressful process. Individuals in Wisconsin who are suspected of driving while impaired may be asked to perform a variety of tests, one of which might involve taking a breath test. While Breathalyzers are intended to detect the presence of impairment, there may be a variety of factors that could influence their results.

A breath test is a common test that is used to approximate a person's blood alcohol content. However, the results of these tests might not always be accurate and studies indicate that in some cases, portable Breathalyzer devices can have a potential margin of error of up to 15 percent. Experts also indicate that the results of these tests are only ever an approximation of one's blood alcohol content and that there are a variety of factors that could impact their results.

According to studies, it could take little more than a sudden increase in body temperature to disrupt the results of a breath test. In addition, some forms of electrical interference could also cause a reduction in the accuracy of such devices. Certain medical conditions such as acid reflux could also influence the outcome of a breath test, as can the presence of substances such as mouthwash or breath fresheners.

The average person might be unaware of all the factors that could influence the results of a breath test. When facing drunk driving charges, those who wish to gain insight on all their available options and how best to approach the situation could benefit from retaining the services of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can examine the evidence and charges against a client in Wisconsin and assist in forming a strong defense for use during subsequent court proceedings.
