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Abrupt Lane Change Leads To Felony Drunk Driving Charges for 1


A 39-year-old man has been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol after he was pulled over in Wisconsin for allegedly exhibiting suspicious driving behavior. The potential penalties for a conviction for similar charges are serious and only increase in severity with each successive offense. Those who face felony drunk driving charges may benefit from seeking guidance on how best to approach the situation.

According to reports, the traffic stop was initiated after an officer claimed to have spotted a driver who was struggling to maintain proper lane control before bringing his vehicle to a halt. Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer allegedly noticed a strong scent of alcohol coming from within. The officer also asserts the man was exhibiting signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot eyes and difficulty with speech, and requested he perform field sobriety tests.

While the man initially agreed to perform the tests, he allegedly refused to complete them and told the officer that he should be taken into custody. Authorities also claim that a breath test was conducted soon thereafter, the results of which allegedly indicated his blood alcohol content to be .265, which would be over three times the legal limit to drive. According to reports, the man has five previous drunk driving convictions on record and is thus facing felony charges currently.

With the potential weight of a conviction for felony drunk driving charges, those accused of similar crimes may feel somewhat intimidated by the process and uncertain where to turn for guidance. Fortunately, there are attorneys who can provide a person with guidance on the best course of action with which to proceed. An attorney can help a client in Wisconsin gain a better understanding of his or her options and provide assistance with any future legal proceedings associated with the charges.

Source:, "Racine man charged with sixth OWI", March 5, 2018
