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Car Trouble Leaves 1 Facing Drunk Driving Charges in Wisconsin


Many individuals have experienced the trials of having a vehicle break down in traffic. A similar situation can have a devastating impact on one's plans for the rest of the day and the ramifications of having to put a car in the repair shop can be financially draining. A recent incident in which a man's vehicle stopped working in Wisconsin reportedly led to a traffic stop that left him facing drunk driving charges.

The incident reportedly began on a recent Monday morning after police claim to have received a call about a slow moving vehicle. Upon locating the vehicle, authorities say they proceeded to initiate a routine traffic stop. During the stop, the driver allegedly informed them that his vehicle had stopped working while on the way home from a truck stop and a tow truck was called out to the scene.

While speaking with the driver, law enforcement agents claim to have caught a strong odor of alcohol on the man. The results of a subsequent breath test allegedly indicated that his blood alcohol content was over the legal limit and police also assert that he admitted to consuming alcohol prior to operating the vehicle. He was taken into custody soon thereafter on suspicion of impairment and is facing what would be his eighth drunk driving offense should a conviction be obtained.

Facing felony drunk driving charges can be a harrowing process and the penalties for a conviction for similar charges can be severe. Those who stand accused of similar offenses could choose to retain the services of an attorney early on for guidance in understanding all their available options. An attorney in Wisconsin can help a client better understand what to expect from the process and assist him or her in making informed choices about the situation while preparing a strategy for subsequent court proceedings.