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Memorial Day Brings Increased Drunk Driving Patrols to Wisconsin


For Wisconsin residents, Memorial Day often represents the official start of summer. It is when people begin to clean up their boats and prepare their grills for cookouts. Gatherings of family and friends frequently occur and alcohol is consumed at picnics, barbeques, and other social events.

Police departments in Wisconsin are taking note of the increased presence of drunk drivers on the roads during this holiday and will be increasing their presence as well. They will be looking for evidence of intoxication in drivers. Such evidence could include erratic driving or speeding, a driver's failure to obey traffic laws, and many other driving behaviors.

Individuals who are stopped by officers for suspected drunk driving may expect to perform some form of sobriety tests. They may be asked to get out of their vehicles and execute exercises that challenge their memory and coordination. Standing on one leg, reciting the alphabet backward, and walking in a straight line are all roadside tests some police departments use to make determinations of impaired driving.

Following such sobriety tests, drivers may expect to be subjected to blood alcohol testing if they fail to pass their memory and coordination challenges. Blood alcohol tests can be performed by extracting a small amount of blood from a person's body. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of higher than .08.

While many people will have fun on Memorial Day some will be stopped and subjected to sobriety tests by local law enforcement officers. Arrests for DUI and other alcohol-related driving charges can cost individuals more than a lot of money. Convictions for such charges can result in individuals losing their licenses and even jail time in extreme cases. People who need help resolving drunk driving matters after the holiday weekend can seek out the assistance of DUI defense lawyers currently practicing in Wisconsin.

Source:, "Memorial Day season prompting stricter DUI enforcement," Becca Habegger, May 16, 2014