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Drivers License Revocation as a Part of Alcohol Rehabilitation


Many people think that individuals convicted of drunk driving are irresponsible miscreants who fail to contribute to society. This misapprehension is true across the country and right here in Wisconsin, where hard working people who struggle with alcohol addictions occasionally make poor decisions to drive when they shouldn't. Though their actions may put others at risk, drunken driving convictions may be the best opportunities for such individuals to take control of their lives.

A Wisconsin high school teacher was recently convicted of his third drunk driving offense. As part of his punishment the teacher received a 28 month drivers license revocation and an additional 24 months of having to use an ignition interlock device on his vehicle when he is able to operate it again. He will also spend almost two months in jail as a result of being convicted of drunk driving.

In his initial hearings, the individual was ordered to remain sober at all times. While he failed to do so, he did begin treatment for his problems with alcohol and the judge in his case noted his pleasure that the individual had undertaken such a step.

Without access to a vehicle, this individual will hopefully learn to manage his problem and become a more responsible motor vehicle operator. He has the opportunity to set an example for his students regarding the dangers of driving while intoxicated as well as the serious penalties that are involved with DUI charges. Though his employment may be affected by his convictions, this individual's attempts to move beyond his addiction in order to be treated for an alcohol problem are commendable.

Source: Wisconsin Dells Events, "Choir teacher gets jail time for third drunk driving offense," Shannon Green, June 14, 2013